A few weeks ago Dana, Will, and Jill grabbed Rosie, a little 10′ red raft, and put on for a quick high-water trip down the Nugget-Powerhouse stretch. The sun was out, the water was high, and it was a perfect afternoon Rogue rafting trip.
One of the best things about this stretch are the fun rapids at Nugget Falls and Powerhouse. With the water quite a bit higher than usual, the waves in Nugget were huge roller coasters. Being in a smaller raft, we felt like a little cork in the sea. We bounced through just fun and our friend Chris was able to snap this picture as we passed to the left of one of the larger waves:
After Nugget it’s only a short ways to Powerhouse. We ended up taking the river-right channel, which is known as “Muggers Ally”. It’s a little bit bumpier than the middle chute but none of us had been there in a while so we thought we’d test it out.
It was another great day on the river. We can’t wait for the sun to come out and start running our normal trips in April!